This Guy Created A Knife Out Of Pasta That’s As Sharp As The Real Thing

As much as I love pasta, I also fear it. Fear it in the sense that overeating those delicious noodles will eventually lead to my downfall. Now, it seems, I’ll have another reason to fear the majestic pasta.
YouTube channel kiwami japan demonstrates the art of crafting cutlery by showing viewers two different ways to make a kitchen knife with pasta noodles.
By grinding down spaghetti noodles with a food processor, a powder is created that is turned into a paste. As the paste dries, it’s molded into the shape of a knife and dried for 10 days. Once the pasta is hardened, the meticulous process of sharpening the knife begins.
After what seems like hours against a whetstone, the knife is finally able to slice through produce and cardboard like it was made of steel.
Kids, do NOT try this at home.
Check out the video to see the tedious project. If you decide to try your hand at this craft, and you’re done playing with the knife, you can simply boil it up and serve it with some cheese — as seen at the tail end of this video. Bon appetit and happy slicing.