Paqui’s One Chip Challenge Returns And It’s Even Hotter Than Last Time

Remember the One Chip Challenge from last year? This insanely hot Carolina Reaper chip from Paqui had tons of people crying, breathing fire like dragons, and regretting that they had been born. Multiple members of Foodbeast took it on, with some barely surviving to tell the tale of it. However, many people were able to conquer the spicy snack, even eating multiple chips while doing so. To make it harder this year, the One Chip Challenge returns with even more heat for chili heads to sweat over.
The Carolina Reapers that Paqui used to make the chips this year checked in at 1.9 million Scoville units, according to Ed Currie of PuckerButt Pepper Company. Currie, who cultivates the Reapers he developed along with Pepper X, the world’s hottest pepper, turned in a set of Reaper chilies that were 1.5 million Scoville units last year to make the One Chip Challenge. That means that this year, the One Chip Challenge returns at a heat level that’s about 25% hotter than the previous time around.
The crispy triangles of death are now available online for $4.99 each. If you participate in the challenge and upload your video of pain to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtags #OneChipChallenge and #Sweeps, you’ll also be entered to win a lifetime supply of Paqui’s regular stockpile of chips.
Best of luck to all of those who attempt the challenge this time around. Make sure to keep a fire extinguisher and a few gallons of ice cream handy.