Get a Look at These Exclusive Panda Express Menu Items at Their Test Kitchen

Panda Express is a fan-favorite and go-to option for many folks looking for Asian flavors on the go. Their Orange Chicken is iconic, so when word gets out that there’s a location that serves it up in a burrito, then all eyes on the Panda.
This said location is called the Panda Express Innovation Kitchen in Pasadena, California and serves as a hub for what’s new at the popular restaurant chain.
What fans can expect at the Innovation Kitchen are exclusive items like the aforementioned Orange Chicken Burrito (called the Orange Chicken Bing on the menu), as well as boba tea drinks from their Tea Bar, Quinoa Fried Rice, and more. Foodbeast Costa Spyrou popped in and showed us what his favorites were on the menu.
So if you’re a Panda Express fan looking to get a taste of what’s new and exclusive, head to the Innovation Kitchen for a sneak taste and possible lowkey bragging rights on social media.