Oven-Free Snickers Pie

Seriously, what’s better than Candy? Pie! Okay, that might be debatable. But when candy and pie mix, it’s usually a unanimously good thing.

This recipe for Snickers Pie is especially intriguing because this one is oven-free. No baking here folks. Here’s a list of what you’ll be needing:

1 chocolate cookie 9-inch pie crust or graham cracker pie crust

2 cups fresh whipped cream

1 can sweetened condensed milk

8 ounces cream cheese

1/4 cup dulce de leche, plus 1 tablespoon for drizzling

3 Snickers Bars, chopped.

You’ll want to beat the condensed milk, cream cheese and dulce de leche until it gets smooth. Then fold the whipped cream to the mixture until it’s blended into the mixture. From here, add 1/3 of the chopped Snickers bar onto the pie crust and fold another 1/3 of the chopped Snickers into the mixture. Then spread the mixture onto the pie crust and sprinkle the last 1/3 of the Snickers on top of the mixture. Last, but not least, drizzle the teaspoon of dulce de leche over the pie and chill for 3 hours before serving.

Via Naptime Chef & Family Kitchen 



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