On Average, Teens Eat 34 Teaspoons of Sugar Daily, and Other Fatty Facts [INFOGRAPHIC]

1 in 3 American children is overweight or obese. Maybe you’ve heard that figure before…maybe you’ve heard it so many times before you don’t even let it sink in. How about the idea that Government Spending on Marketing Healthy Eating and Exercise to kids, while $1.6 billion was spent by the Food Industry on ads that promote food high in calories and low in nutrition, to kids?

Once every couple weeks, us avid foodies suddenly gain a conscious. We suddenly see an infographic or an interesting study that reminds us, “Hey, maybe we shouldn’t eat three packs of Sour Patch Kids a day?” I guess we were due for one today, because across our desks this morning came this compilation of facts from TEACH that does a pretty drastic job of highlighting some worrisome figures amidst our youths eating and activity habits.

Interesting figures, but do they raise any raise specific questions, or inversely make you think, “Oh, whatever?

$51 Million in government pending on marketing of healthy eating and exercise, I know a few folks who would say that’s money that could have been best used elsewhere. $1.6 Billion spent by the food industry to promote their products? A devil’s advocate would ask, “Can you blame them? What are they supposed to do? NOT promote their products?”

[via TEACH]

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