Official Response Regarding Seattle Seahawks Beer Cup Size Controversy

First & Goal, Inc., the company responsible for overseeing the Qwest Field operations released a statement regarding the Seattle Seahawks Beer Cup Conspiracy. The response, issued at the height of the videos spread on January 7th, mentioned that the company has seen the YouTube video in question, and indeed discovered that the cups marked 16 oz. actually hold 20 oz. of liquid. Their full response is available after the jump:

From the official Seahawks website:

“We received a copy of the YouTube video showing the quantity of liquid served in the 16 oz. beer cup is the same quantity that fits into the 20 oz. beer cup. This is the first time we have been alerted to this fact. Upon our internal investigation this afternoon, we discovered the cups that are marked 16 oz. hold 20 oz. of liquid. Fans who purchased a 16 oz. beer actually received 20 oz. of beer for the 16 oz. price. Fans that purchased the 20 oz. beer received the amount they purchased. We are working with Levy Restaurants to follow up with the cup vendor about the measurement and to determine how long this has been occurring at Qwest Field. We are determined to find a solution as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we will serve domestic beer in the 20 oz. cup at tomorrow’s playoff game to ensure all fans receive the amount they purchase, and we will charge the 16 oz. price.”

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