Obesity Study Will Pay Participants $3.5K to Eat Fast Food, and Get Fat

Washington University is conducting a study on obesity, and as part of the process, the school is offering participants the opportunity to eat all the fast food they want everyday for three months. They’ll even get paid $3,500 for their trouble.

Trouble is the catch — the study will need participants to gain five percent of their body weight. The main point of the study is to determine why some overweight people develop diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors, while others do not.

To be a part of the dream, participants must be between 18 and 65 years, a non-smoker, non-diabetic, and must already be at least 30 pounds overweight. Once the participant gains the weight, they’ll be entered into a weight loss program to lose it. Also, you have the following restaurants to choose from when eating:

If you’d like to take to part in the study, you can sign up via the Washington University School of Medicine website.

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