Obama’s Credit Card Was Declined at a Fancy NYC Restaurant During Dinner with the First Lady

Most people have experienced having their credit card declined during a purchase — some of us have even suffered the embarrassment of experiencing it during a date. It seems our beloved president is not immune to this either.
Last month, President Obama was dinning with the first lady at a fancy restaurant in downtown Manhattan when his credit card was declined.
“I guess I don’t use it enough, so they thought there was some fraud going on,” he told CNN. “Luckily, Michelle had hers.
Obama then defended himself to the waitress.
“I was trying to explain to the waitress, you know, I really think that I’ve been paying my bills,” Obama said. “Even I’m affected by this.”
Sound familiar? Start the video at 3:00.
On Friday, Obama signed an executive order to help protect consumers from identity theft.
Article written by Sebastian Dillon for NextShark