Watch An Entire Jar of Nutella Melted By A Blowtorch

Just when you thought you couldn’t find another use for Nutella, the folks over at Let’s Melt This decided to torch the popular hazelnut spread in one of the most hauntingly beautiful videos we’ve ever seen.

In their latest upload, an entire jar of Nutella is given the blowtorch treatment and melted to ashes.

What’s fascinating is the nearly three-minute process the jar undergoes as it’s exposed to extreme heat. Transitioning between beautiful macroscopic shots and wides, we see the entire breakdown of the sweet spread, from the bubbling plastic to the chocolate igniting.

You may also remember these same guys were the ones that threw sulfuric acid on a Big Mac just to watch it burn.

While our moms would whoop our rear ends for wasting a perfectly good jar of Nutella, we commend Let’s Melt This for taking the chance on this and other popular food items in the name of discovery. Although, we don’t envy their clean-up process.

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