Not-So-Eco-Friendly Supermarket Wraps Its Peeled Bananas in Plastic

There’s probably a condom joke in here somewhere.
As relayed by the Austrian Times, German-owned supermarket Billa has recently come under fire for a photo posted on its Facebook page showcasing packs of peeled bananas covered in plastic wrap.
Purportedly done to streamline the eating process, these pre-peeled ‘nanners quickly sparked plenty of outrage from people decrying the stunt as wasteful and unnecessary — though one user did suggest the clear wrapping could tip off consumers to any unsightly browning or bruising more readily than a banana peel can (not that that’s necessarily a good thing).
So says one Greenpeace spokesman in Austria: “If there is an easy to open ready packed food it’s the banana – peeling it only to pack it in environmentally unfriendly plastic is just madness.”
Of course, thanks to the efforts of Billa’s hack PR team, the offending photo has since been taken down — as well as written off by Billa HQ as the act of a single franchise location and a “one off” mistake that won’t happen again.
But the way I see it, this unfortunate ecological misstep could have been much, much worse. I mean, at least they didn’t double bag it.