Couple Takes Adorable Portraits With Their Newborn Burrito

We don’t mean to be that friend who shows you pictures of their newborn against your will, but these were just too adorable.
Comedians M.K. Paulsen and Ella Gale introduced their newborn baby burrito to the world in this beautiful photo shoot, as the happy couple lovingly gazed into the eyes of their precious Mexican dish.
Photographer Erin Holsonback beautifully captured the essence of the family’s new addition, as each photo is more intimate than the next, really showing the story of the new love the family will share.
Unfortunately, the couple did not reveal the meat of the burrito, but if there’s anything stereotypically true about white people, it’s that they usually play it safe with carne asada.
Check out photos from the shoot below:
This is their new little bundle of joy
A love that can’t be broken
This little guy’s in good hands
The proud new papa
Yep, this happened