New Startup Allows You To Buy Part Of A Cow Before It’s Turned Into Steak

The communion between meat lovers and startup geeks has produced Crowd Cow, an idea that allows individuals to buy shares of a cow before it is butchered and delivered to owners of the shares.

Consumers have become increasingly aware of the kinds of food they choose to put into their bodies and a handful of them are opting to eat grass-fed beef. While it’s difficult to trace the origins of the meat grocery shoppers purchase in their deli section of the store, Crowd Cowensures that people know exactly where their beef comes from.


The unique startup allows people to purchase shares that range anywhere from $9 to $45 depending on the type of cut. Owners have the option to buy in bulk with share packages such as the “Steak-Only Share” or the “Grill Master Share.”


Cows aren’t butchered until all shares of that cow are sold, according to the website. Once the deed is done, the fresh 100% grass-fed beef is shipped immediately to the front doors of owners of the shares.


Crowd Cow’s stated mission is to deliver convenience, quality and taste of their product and services. Meat lovers are able to buy the exact cuts and quantity directly from the rancher through online ordering.

h/t: Munchies

Written by Editorial Staff, NextShark

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