New “Got Milk?” Ads Flip the Script — Got PMS?
Got Milk? ads have become an iconic part of our literature, usually a welcome pause between page turns of our favorite magazines and a more-than-decent reminder to get our daily milk-consumption up. Milk’s latest campaign, pushed forward by the California Milk Processor Board and Goodby, Silverstein & Partners are turning some serious heads with their latest “Everything I Do Is Wrong” campaign.
The new campaign leads the way with headlines stating “We can BOTH blame myself” and “I’m sorry I listened to what you said and not what you meant” definitely take their plight of presenting Milk as a lightweight remedy to PMS symptoms to a new height.
All of the promotional posters are sporting hapless, curious-faced men holding up cartons of milk as a peace offering-of-sorts to their PMS-ridden significant others. Is the new campaign sexist? Depends on the gender you ask, I would presume. Being a male, I just find it extremely funny and well-tuned, obviously intentionally controversial and provoking. They have media talking, that’s always a win — right?
While the campaign pushes some good limits, it’s questionable what type of longevity the ads may have if the response ends up alienating women in the long-term. Unless only men need milk. NO. Women need milk, how else are they going to control those erratic emotions every time their babymaker decides its time speak up?*
*We got caught up in the spirit of the campaign, please excuse.