Nestle Breaks off Sales of KitKat in Russia

Much of the world has condemned Russia’s invasion of and ongoing war in Ukraine. With such fierce criticism comes the suspension of sales in Russia by many brands and companies opposing the country’s actions. Count Nestle as another brand that wants to suspend sales there, though not completely.

Earlier this month, Nestle already ceased investment in Russia, and in latest news, has now made the decision to halt sales of brands such as KitKat and Nesquik. However, the brand has chosen to continue sales of essential food products like infant food and medical and hospital nutrition.

Nestle commented, “As the war rages in Ukraine, our activities in Russia will focus on providing essential food — not on making a profit.”

Nestle’s decision to not fully pull out of Russia and continuing to conduct business in any capacity there has been criticized by Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

Ukranian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal tweeted about Nestle, “Paying taxes to the budget of a terrorist country means killing defenseless children and mothers. Hope that Nestle will change its mind soon.”

In defense of its decision to continue business in Russia, Nestle addressed, “We have a responsibility toward our more than 7,000 employees in Russia — most of whom are locals.” The brand continued, “While we do not expect to make a profit in the country or pay any related taxes for the foreseeable future in Russia, any profit will be donated to humanitarian relief organizations. Nestle further stated, “We stand with the people of Ukraine and our 5,800 employees there.”

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