OREO Is Mad AF That We Keep Leaking New Flavors Before They Release

There’s a spy within the walls of Nabisco’s Oreo plant who keeps leaking photos of upcoming flavors and it has officially struck a nerve with the cookie’s manufacturer.
While Nabisco confirmed that last week’s leaked photos of the Cotton Candy flavor were real, they also said that they’re going to put a stop to the leakage, according to MarketWatch.
The Instagrammer who went by the name “CookieOman” no longer exists and with him went all the photos of the Cotton Candy, S’mores and Red Velvet flavors that he had posted in advance of any official announcements by the big cookie guns themselves.
An Oreo spokesperson told MarketWatch:
“It’s been brought to our attention that some of our top secret OREO flavors are leaking. As we get to the bottom of these cookie leaks, we can only say time will tell when our next delicious flavor will hit shelves.”
Time will tell if the mysterious CookieOman reappears in a different form and keeps us salivating over new cookie flavors that we can’t get our hands on.
h/t Consumerist