Mother Gets Arrested for Pouring Beer Into Two-Year-Old Son’s Sippy Cup

Competing for first place as worst mom of 2012 against the lady who got in a car accident, left her kids in the car to eat ice cream in the nude, 36-year-old Valerie Marie Topete was arrested for pouring beer into her two-year-old son’s sippy cup at a local Phoenix pizzeria Tuesday of last week.

A witness at the scene called 911 when she saw the child fall out of his high chair, scared that he was intoxicated.

According to Phoenix police, Topete did what any logical human being would do when a toddler is reaching for a pitcher of beer – let him keep reaching and tell him beer is for adults pour the kid a cold cup of brew.

The Daily News reports that Topete supposedly poured just a “splash of beer” and mixed it with her son’s apple juice, hoping that reverse psychology would deter him from the taste of alcohol.

The officers confirmed the beer content inside the cup and have arrested Topete on suspicion of child abuse.

Topete’s son was later released to his father after a precautionary visit to the hospital, where he is fortunately being spoon-fed some cough syrup and given cigarettes in moderation*.

[Source: Associated Press via Gawker / Photo Credit: Daily News]
*Not confirmed

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