Most Bloody Marys Pale In Comparison To This INSANE Mimosa

More often than not, you can order a Bloody Mary and end up getting a free meal out of it. Most of them have some sort of garnishment, and many of them have ridiculous ones, like a burger, some onion rings and a ri-gosh-dang-diculous slice of pizza. It’s easy to forget that sometimes there’s a drink underneath all of that codswallop.
Well, one Texas restaurant called Nectar Wine Bar and Ale House has decided to cater to the people who love food on top of their drinks but don’t love Bloody Marys because, frankly, they’re disgusting.
Introducing…the Ultimate Mimosa! Aside from the orange juice and champagne in the mason jar, this gargantuan display of ridiculousness has an array of absurd garnishments, including fruits, cheeses, fuckin’ caviar, a god damn lobster tail, some MF smoked salmon and a FREAKING MUFFIN! I wish you could see my “WTF” face right now because it is as “WTF” as a “WTF” face can get.
With a $28 price tag on this bad boy, it would come as a shock if anyone actually ordered a meal with their drink.
Now I’m just gonna wait until we inevitably start throwing beef brisket into our Jack n’ cokes. Honestly though, I wouldn’t be mad about it.
Photo Credit: Guyville, Panda Whale, Facebook