1000 Instances of In-N-Out #MonkeyStyle, Here Are the Dirtiest, Filthiest & Most Delicious

A few days ago we released footage of In-N-Out’s latest fan eye candy: the Monkey Style Burger. While many of you are familiar with the chain’s “Animal Style” item featuring fries doused in Thousand Island-esque spread, grilled onions and cheese, the “Monkey Style” Burger takes this fast food favorite to the next level.

Here are the deets: Getting your burger “Monkey Style” involves the simple yet beautiful addition of Animal Style fries to In-N-Out’s signature burgers. Although, we should warn you that most cashiers may raise an eyebrow if you make the off-menu request, while others will probably flat out say you’re having delusions of grandeur.

Despite the difficulty of obtaining these fast food unicorns, some have been successful in their attempts. Of course, the obligatory Instagram shots were taken, resulting in more than 1000 glorious, filthy photos of #MonkeyStyle porn. We picked our favorites below, you can thank us later.


Darling, you’re a hot, hot mess


Monkey style burger? Delish!#burger #inandout #signalhill #longbeach — @irmaestoesta


This is real life


Monkey style burger at in&out — @efeezhee 


Whatcha Know ‘Bout That?


Yall don’t know about this, animalstyle fries in your burger!?! Whattt!?!#secretmenu #innout#animalstylefriesinyourburger#wholegrilledonions#ketchupmustardinstead#getonmylevel #imfat #itsok #instafood#instagood #nom —  @yo_timmy


Triplets, ain’t they adorable?


#thatsthatfuckin #shitisreal #innout#monkeystyle #foodhofasho — @badmambajamba


DIY that sh*t


Behold: #MonkeyStyle (select restaurants only.) #hadtomakeitmyself but #itdoesexist — @jukie_




#Monkeystyle #innout #samhookeditup#howdidijustfindoutaboutthis#theregoesmybeachbody#goingtolooklikedaniel #toogood —@chrissmac1


The Over Achiever



#4×4 #monkeystyle #goml — @j_svoboda_




#damonkeybizness#monkeybackride #monkeystyle#likenobodyswatching#mostobnoxioushashtags — @niicbrenna


Professional BEAST STATUS


#MonkeyStyle — @jayareaustria

Now go forth, Foodbeasts, and when you do find the ever elusive Monkey Style burger, make sure to hasthtag #Foodbeast #MonkeyStyle. You know we can never get enough of that good good.

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