Japan Now Has Exclusive Bananas That Have Edible Peels

If you’ve ever wondered how much time you’d save in your life if you didn’t have to peel your bananas, Japan has a fruitful alternative.
According to Japanese publicaton Rocket News24, there is a company called D&T Farms that developed a banana peel you can eat. Unbelievable right? Well world, meet the Mongee banana.
Produced in western Japan, the bananas are organic, and don’t even need pesticides because they’re grown in non-tropical climates. The exclusivity of the bananas is also crazy, as only 10 are sold weekly and cost about $5.75 each.
According to Rocket News, the skin doesn’t have much flavor, which kind of takes away from the mystique of eating this edible peel, but it’s interesting nonetheless.
Now if someone can work on edible orange peels, we’ll be golden.