Here’s Exactly What Happens If You Microwave Yourself

microwave yourself

Would you ever microwave yourself? All things considered, it’s not the most brilliant idea that comes to mind if you want to cool off. Though we’d be liars if we say we hadn’t thought about it before.

So what would actually happen?

YouTube channel Meet Arnold created an animated video to show what would happen if you tried to dry yourself off in a microwave oven. A hypothetical situation is presented where fictional cartoon character Arnold is drenched to his bones. He then wonders if he should just step into the microwave for a quick drying.

Here’s exactly what happens if you microwave yourself:

As you can see from this video, definitely do not try this at home. Modern microwave ovens will cause your skin to heat up and your retinas to burn. Your blood will curdle and cause you to cook from the inside out. Finally, you’ll get a 100 percent body burn and die from shock. Yikes.

Perhaps, we’ll just stick to microwaving food.

In addition, in case you’ve ever wondered what it was like to be swallowed alive, check out this other popular Meet Arnold video.

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