Watching This Hydraulic Press Crush A Big Mac Is Somewhat Disturbing

I don’t think I’ve been so disturbed by a video about a burger before in my life.
YouTube’s Hydraulic Press Channel recently uploaded clips of their team putting McDonald’s Big Macs through some insane hydraulic press experiments that produced some wacky results. These tests included putting a single Big Mac through the extreme pressure test. The burger obviously couldn’t withstand the force, but the visual results of the experiment made me jump out of my chair when I watched it the first time.
The YouTubers then loaded up a half dozen more burgers into an extruder that was then pressurized by the hydraulic press to create an explosion of hamburger confetti unlike anything you’ve ever seen. I’m still not sure whether that extruder ejection or the initial burger press was more unnerving.
One thing’s for sure, watching these burgers react to the insane physical stress is absolutely mind-boggling. Hydraulic presses can exert thousands of pounds of force at once, and the one in this particular video has also been used to crush logs, ice, and even the anvil in the video above. Crushing a burger with one of these is like using a Hulk Smash to squish a bug.
I’d hate to be caught underneath that pressure, that’s for sure.