13 Of The Strangest Things Seen In A McDonald’s PlayPlace

If you ever played inside a McDonald’s PlayPlace as a child, you probably remember the terrible smell of feet mixed with cheeseburgers, and in hindsight, it was probably one of the grossest places we ever encountered as children.
Come to think of it, I don’t know how I never got lice, or tetanus playing in those disgusting tubes.
Leave it to Reddit to be a place of confession for employees and former employees who had to put up with the hazardous conditions within the PlayPlace. As you can imagine, they deal with a lot of poop, but there’s a lot worse after that.
Check out some of the weirdest and most disgusting things employees, and even some customers, have seen at the McDonald’s PlayPlace.
Let’s Get the Sh*t Out Of The Way
Some fucking kid climbed all the way to the top slide and took his goddamn pants off and slid down the slide. Problem is, he shat the whooooole way down. There was a fucking trail of shit spanning the entire second-half of the slide.
An Unfortunate Seating Location
An old couple were with their grandchild. They sat at one of the tables that had the tubes running over it. Kid pissed in the tunnels above, piss dripped down all over the old people and their food.
Let’s go get some BBQ and Get Busy
Two teens hid in the ball pits and went at it :/
Get A Room, Not A Play Place
… After cleaning up the semen of two 13-year-olds becomes a part of the reason why you’re paid, something changes, the world starts to really come together.
Abandon Ship
A lady left her 2 young children in the play place four hours while she went to the thrift store shopping. So of course I called the cops. When she finally returned she admitted that she does it a few times a week.
The Edible Ball Pit
Kids literally take their happy meals in there and forget. Heavier things are always at the bottom (cheeseburgers) then there is a layer of chicken mcnuggets and such. 50% of the ball pit is in fact edible. 25% balls. 25% poop.
The Relatable Struggles Of Growing Up Chunky
One time, a fat kid. not just a kind of chubby, but morbidly obese 2-300 LB 12 year old decided he wanted to go in. i see him go in. about 2-5 min later, i hear crying, coming from the tubes. Apparently the kid got stuck.
Not An Employee, But Still Great
Yeah, my aunt. She was like 40 at the time. I’m not really sure why she decided to go down the slide, but she did… and she didn’t fit. They had to shut the PlayPlace down and call somebody to pull her out.
Used Condoms
Not an employee, but once I looked underneath the floor of the playplace and found a bunch of used condoms. I was only a kid so I didn’t know what they were at the time.
How to Get Free Ice Cream
Not an employee, but I found a pair of rusty scissors in the ball pit when I was 6. Gave them to a staff member and got free ice cream!
Drunk People Are Fun
17 year old McDonald’s worker here, a drunk lady, probably in her 30’s came in and puked at the top of the slide. We found her passed out at the top following the trail of puke that traveled down it.
Ride or Die
One kid brought his BMX bike into the playplace and proceeded to try to grind a rail on the seating in there… He fell and split open his head pretty good. He left the place, still bleeding, not wanting to call anyone because he was also drinking at the time. He was maybe 16 or 17.
The Absolute Worst One
The ball pit was separate from the play place in it’s own enclosure on the other side of the room. One day a woman comes running out of the room holding her small child, who is bawling and screaming bloody murder, with multiple cuts and a syringe stuck in his leg. Turns out some local junkies had tossed their dirty needles and a couple razor blades into the ball pit assuming it wouldn’t be used.