McDonald’s Once Invented Broccoli That Tasted Like Bubblegum, Willy Wonka-Level Stuff

We have to hand it to McDonald’s for creativity. It was reported that Don Thompson, current CEO of McDonald’s, was asked at an event what the brand was doing to produce better health options for its younger customers. Besides portioning off french fries and adding apples, it was revealed that a special broccoli was once developed for kids.

What could be so special about this broccoli that it could find a place on a fast food menu? Maybe that it tasted like bubblegum.

The bubblegum broccoli never made it past development stages, however, as Thompson admitted that it wasn’t really that impressive. Apparently it just confused kids with its taste. What, really?

Still McDonald’s gets points for such a Willy Wonka-inspired development.

Meanwhile, somewhere in a heavily-guarded McDonald’s lab, there’s gotta be a few samples left. Just biding their time.

H/T Consumerist

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