McDonald’s Japan’s Double Cheeseburger With Rice Buns Has Got Our Attention

“Gohan” or “Rice Burgers” turned heads when McDonald’s Japan released them earlier this year. But now a new iteration of it has been debuted by the Golden Arches called the Gohan Dabuchi or “Rice Double Cheeseburger,” as reported by SoraNews24, an English-language Japan-based food and pop culture website.
The release of this double cheeseburger with crisped rice buns has generated considerable buzz online, notably for looking so damn delectable with the melty cheese and glistening double patties.
SoraNews24’s own fast food reporter, Seiji Nakazawa was able to try the burger out and gave a glowing review stating, “the taste of beef really stood out in a way it didn’t with other rice burgers” and that its “ratio of beef to rice seemed perfect.”
The Rice Dabuchi is priced at 390 yen ($3.73) plus tax and is accompanied by a regular Dabuchi featuring burger buns for 340 yen ($3.29). These two new burgers debuted on October 28th and are set for a limited run on McDonald’s Japan locations.