McDonald’s Gets Super-sized by Wikileaks

It seems even burger giant McDonald’s isn’t free from the current wrath of WikiLeaks and their promise of freeing information to the people.  With the release of a US Embassy Cable dated back to February 15th, 2006, we are now clued in to McDonald’s’ efforts in attempting to delay the US government’s implementation of a free-trade agreement. This delay was put forth in order to pressure El Salvador into appointing neutral judges as part of a $24 million lawsuit the burger chain was involved with in the area.

The lawsuit McDonald’s was involved with regarded their supposed illegal termination of a franchised location owned by Roberto Bukele, the man responsible for opening the first McDonald’s in El Salvador back in 1972. The leaked cable exposes the back and forth between Bukele McDonald’s and the governments involved, if you’re so inclined to learn more!

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