McDonald’s Is Phasing Out Hi-C Orange Lavaburst And Customers Are Not Taking It Well

It’s a brand new month and time for a fresh start, new beginnings, and trying new things. McDonald’s is falling ass-backwards though, as beginning Monday, they’re allegedly going to be phasing out Hi-C Orange Lavaburst from its drink lineup.

Replacing the orange drink will be a new Sprite TropicBerry flavor, according to a memo posted by a user on Reddit.

Lol get ready for this shit

McDonald’s still uses the classic drink fountains, and hasn’t moved on to the newer, shinier, more superior Coke Freestyle machines that offer a wide variety of drink flavors. That means the real estate on their obsolete soda fountains are limited, and Hi-C is the odd man out.

McDonald’s knows that the change will piss off customers, so they wrote “Key points” in the memo, in order to help employees explain why the change is happening.

That doesn’t mean people are happy about it. With word getting out about the change, Hi-C fans are absolutely pissed:

Good bye #HIC #orangelavaburst #mcdonalds

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All right, McDonald’s, I don’t know what you have to do to get those Coke Freestyle machines in your stores, but make it happen. It shouldn’t be an either-or situation. We should be able to drink both Hi-C AND Sprite TropicBerry. Period.

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