Be Honest, Your Dirty Mind Sees Something Else On This McCafe Cup

We all have that friend who finishes everything you say with, “That’s what she said.” It doesn’t even always make sense, but in their head, they know that it was perfectly dirty, somehow.
That’s definitely this particular individual, who saw McDonald’s new holiday McCafe coffee cup and somehow spotted the opportunity to make it pornographic.
The original print on the cup is supposed be a couple of white mittens coming together, but when someone drew in fingers, it suddenly transforms into a POV video on Porn Hub (I mean, I’ve heard that’s what their videos look like, I wouldn’t know firsthand).
Now how the hell are Starbucks cups in the news again and no one’s talking about a guy spreading his cheeks open on McDonald’s cups
— Sam Sykes (@SamSykesSwears) December 11, 2016
That’s one way for them to SPREAD holiday cheer, but it’s probably not what they were going for.
Forever unclean.