McDonald’s Big Mac Creator Just Passed Away, Ate Big Macs Until The Very End

While the name Michael James Delligatti may not ring a bell with the general public, the man left behind a legacy that nearly every household in the world has heard of: The Big Mac.
Deligatti passed away Monday afternoon in his Pittsburgh home at the age of 98, reports the Los Angeles Times.
The iconic McDonald’s burger is synonymous with the fast food chain. Delligatti’s Big Mac contained two beef patties, cheese, lettuce, pickles, onions, cheeses, two sesame seed buns with a third piece of bread in the middle.
According to his son, Delligatti ate at least one Big Mac (boasting 540 calories) a week for decades. If we created such an prolific burger, we’re definitely going to have one, at least once a week.
The Big Mac, you may have heard, will be going through a few different changes in the upcoming year. You’ll be seeing various sizes for the burger as well as a Sriracha-flavored variation.
Photo: McDonald’s Facebook