Watch Matt Stonie Plow Through 12.5 Pounds Of Fried Rice In 25 Minutes

Competitive eating legend Matt Stonie continues to impress us every time he drops another video showcasing his eating prowess.
After mowing down a quadrant of In-N-Out 4x4s with ease and taking out five Chipotle burritos without even breaking a sweat, Stonie moved on to a tougher challenge in his latest video: A dozen boxes of fried rice.
The twelve pint-sized containers of rice, egg, meat, and veggies clocked in at about 12.5 pounds of food, easily more than any grown man should eat for a couple of days. Stonie made the 9,000-plus calorie meal look like child’s play by devouring the whole thing in just under 25 minutes.
Challenges involving rice are always insanely tough because the rice expands in your stomach, especially when combined with water, making you feel more full quicker. Stonie had to grapple with that throughout this particular challenge, making his swift rice-eating feat all the more legendary.
Now maybe he’s ready to take on that impossible curry rice eating challenge that even Joey Chestnut couldn’t handle.