Man Stabs Three People Over Cake Prank

Cake is usually synonymous with celebration and happiness — until someone gets stabbed.

A couple of weeks ago, there was a reported stabbing in San Diego that was sparked by cake in the face and ended with three people hospitalized.

According to San Diego police, the incident occurred when a man in his 20s smeared cake on his girlfriend’s face during a party in Fairmont Village. While both laughed, the incident struck a nerve with the girlfriend’s brother as he promptly took out a knife and got stab happy with the boyfriend and two others at the party.

A story like this is disturbing, seeing how the cake smearing was playful. I don’t know if the boyfriend knew that the brother had a knife on him, but you have to be careful with anything you do around someone who would carry a knife.

I can’t help but think of the Chappelle’s Show skit where Tyree of the “Mad Real World” stabs Chad’s father for no apparent reason:

There haven’t been any follow-up reports on what happened at the party, but if the story stands as-is, and the suspect was just peeved over a little cake prank, you have to wonder how a guy like this gets invited to a party in the first place?

Well, the three victims had several wounds, none that were life-threatening. While initial reports said that the suspect fled the scene, it was later reported that he was taken into custody and faces charges of assault with a deadly weapon.

Was cake really the last straw?

In my head, this guy was probably sitting in a corner like a ticking time bomb, saw some cake smearing and said ‘You do not waste cake like that!’

[Thx L.A. Times, NBC News]

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