Man Arrested for Breaking into Restaurant and Making Crab Cakes
When you really need to make crab cakes, you really need to make crab cakes. Even if it means breaking in somewhere to do so. Stephen Quinn, 40, broke into a restaurant Thursday in Rehoboth Beach, Del. The incident occurred early Thursday at Planet X Cafe around 1:30 a.m., reports DelmarvaNow.
After receiving reports of someone breaking the restaurant’s glass doors, officers arrived to discover Quinn cooking crab cakes and holding a bottle of wine, presumably stolen to pair with his meal. Quinn took off when he saw the officers, but was apprehended in the alley behind the restaurant. He faces charges of burglary, theft of under $1,500, criminal mischief, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest. He was sent to Sussex Correctional Institution after failing to post bail set at $2,000, and will attend a preliminary hearing on Aug. 8.
Goddamn, now I want crab cakes. Where’s my crowbar?
H/T DelmarvaNow