Flamin’ Hot Mac N’ Cheetos Are Officially Coming To Freezers Nationwide

If you’ve been a fan of Burger King’s Mac n’ Cheetos the few times they’ve dropped them, then you’re gonna be ecstatic over this news.
Pepsico, the parent company of Cheetos, has decided to take their mac n’ cheese stuffed chips and put them in freezers nationwide. Thus, you no longer have to wait for Burger King to drop them in restaurants, and can simply pick up a pack and heat them up in your oven.
Two flavors of Mac n’ Cheetos are now available in major grocers nationwide: the standard Creamy Cheddar Mac N’ Cheetos that have become so popular, along with a brand new Flamin’ Hot Mac N Cheetos flavor. A 14.4 ounce box of each retails for about $4.98 as the recommended market price.
If you’ve been paying attention at grocers, though, you may have seen some boxes of Mac N’ Cheetos roll out already. They’ve been spotted as early as late July of this year, but this is the first official confirmation we have that everybody across the USA will be able to find them in major markets.
It’s incredible to see the Mac N’ Cheetos grow the way they have in the past few short years. From the mind of the Vulgar Chef, to Burger King restaurants, and now to grocery stores, this is one cheesy mashup that has really taken off.