Lunch Ladies Teach Kids a Lesson in Debt by Trashing Meals if They Owe Money
Debt isn’t fun, but it’s something most of us have to face at one point or another. And while it’s definitely important to educate youngins about good spending habits, a middle school lunchroom probably isn’t the best venue to do so.
Last week, a few lunch ladies in Massachusetts recently took it upon themselves to teach students the consequences of debt. Students who owed any amount of money on prepaid lunch cards were given their lunches, only to have them thrown away right after. In some cases, the debt was as little as five cents, but punishment was inevitable and their meals tossed.
Wasted food and making little kids cry? Heartless.
School officials and lunch vendor management say they had nothing to do with the incident. The cafeteria employees have since apologized for their behavior. “Their intent was not to humiliate or upset the students,” the school principal told Fox, “which I stated to them they had done.”
H/T Consumerist + PicThx My Fox Boston