Here’s Exactly How To Get Lucky Charms’ MARSHMALLOW-Only Box

Have you ever poured yourself a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal simply to pick out everything but the sugary marshmallow pieces? What if Lucky Charms made a box that only featured the delicious cornucopia of marshmallow pieces and none of the cereal?
Well that’s exactly what they just did.
Lucky Charms has announced that they will be giving away 10,000 boxes of Lucky Charms Marshmallows. All you have to do is buy a regular box of Lucky Charms that has the Marshmallow promotion design on it and enter the 14-digit code found inside the box at You’ll instantly see if you’re one of the 10,000 folks who won a colorful box of marshmallows-only breakfast cereal.
The marshmallow promotion will run from now through December, or until all the 10,000 boxes have been claimed.
Good luck you sugar fiends!