Guess What Your Name Has To Be To Get Free Burgers For Life

Every time I pick up an Archie comic, I always see that Jughead Jones winning himself a lifetime supply of hamburgers. Though I’ve yet to see an actual person get themselves that deal in real life. Turns out there’s a Burger chain in Melbourne that will do exactly that.
Though there’s a cost.
For a lifetime supply of burgers from Mr. Burger, located in Australia, you’d have to legally change your last name to burger. According to Broadsheet, the burger parlor wanted to brighten people’s day after the recent news of the Brexit.
Nothing cheers us up more than the promise of a lifetime filled with burgers.
You just have to use this application form to change your last name to Burger. Then, email the Mr. Burger crew with a copy of the confirmation from the Australian Government that you changed your name. You only have until 11:59pm on July 31 to commit to this.
As an incentive, the Burger restaurant will cover the fee of $101.40 to change your name if anyone can pull it off. There isn’t a limit on how many people can participate either.
People with the last name Burger will get seven free burgers a week for the rest of their lives. Don’t think you can quickly change your name back once you get that lifetime reward, however. Patrons will need to present an ID to claim their burger.
Gotta say, we’re pretty tempted to go for it.
Photo: Mr. Burger Facebook