Life-sized Mummy Made Out of McDonald’s Food, Because This is Egyptamerica

Ben Campbell is a comically diabolical artist out of Ackerly, TX who has created a life-sized mummy out of about $200 worth of McDonald’s food.

Still not impressed? He plans to crowd-fund an entire McDonald’s Food Mummy Art Show to “comically highlight the parallels between Ancient Egypt, McDonald’s Food, and Modern Society.” The show will include the aforementioned mummy, as well as other pieces like a hamburger that is over a year old.

The search for financial backers for the event has begun, and will run until May 12th, or until the goal of $2,500 is met.

Some of the show’s talking points prove interesting, some of them prove underwhelming and already hammered to death (we get it, McDonald’s food ages well) and the author is borderline cartoony. Here’s his pitch video, you be the judge:

Here are his five reasons for the show’s future existence, according to the artist Ben Campbell:

  1. Ancient Egypt was preoccupied with achieving a form of immortality through odd customs such as constructing pyramids and mummification.
  2. Modern society is preoccupied with achieving a form of immortality through odd customs such as celebrity status and the construction of corporations.
  3. McDonald’s is highly representative of American culture, even iconic.
  4. McDonald’s food doesn’t decompose if left to dry out. Seriously, just google it. As such archaeologists from the future will be digging this stuff up thousands of years in the future. Especially if something cataclysmic happens to our society.
  5. The questions. What could that something cataclysmic be? How can we prepare for it? Do we still want to invest in distractions and brainwashing instead of real solutions and in each other?


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