How To Make A Picture-Perfect Grilled Cheese

Sometime in the last couple years, the “cheese pull” became one of the most crucial elements to factor when posting food photos on social media. There’s something about a string of hot, melted dairy that really gets Instagrammers to doubletap their screens.

Tym Bussanich, the fast food Da Vinci that made a cheeseburger-stuffed pizza, decided to share his secret to making the perfect cheese stretch.

Bussanich starts off with the fundamental components of a grilled cheese: bread, butter, and cheese. The mad genius then takes two slices of bread, cuts them diagonally, and butters them up.

The first bit of sliced cheese goes on top of the bread, followed by a layer of shredded mozzarella for stretch. Another layer of sliced cheese is placed on top of the mozzarella and the sandwich is cooked evenly on both sides.

Because he sliced the bread before cooking the sandwich, the cheese stretch is much more balanced than if he were to cut it after cooking. The result is a beautiful display of that we can only compare to a snowflake.

If you’re a fan of cheese pulls, there’s also a festival coming up that features plenty of explicitly melty items to get our hands on.

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