You Can Turn Your Dad’s Face Into A Big Block Of Cheese For Father’s Day

If you’re still on the hunt for some Father’s Day gifts, there’s a last-minute chance to channel your inner Andrew Jackson and turn Pops into a big cheese block.
Photo courtesy of Kraft
Kraft is offering up the zany opportunity on eBay, where the top 5 bidders in a special, 48-hour auction will win a custom-made cheese sculpture. Currently, the top bid stands at $500.
If you’re one of the top five, Kraft will reach out to you following the auction and ask for a picture of your dad. They’ll then have professional sculptors carve a bust of him out of a 40-pound block of cheddar. It’ll be completed the day before Father’s Day, at which point it will get sent to you.
For those wondering, Kraft isn’t keeping any of the money from the proceeds of this auction. 100% of the funds, plus a matching donation from them, will go to Feeding America, the largest hunger relief organization in the country. So even if you don’t win, you can tell your dad that you spent good money on him that’s going to a great cause.
Those who do win the big block of cheese, though, are being advised by Kraft to NOT eat the cheese block. It’s meant for art, not for consumption purposes, so hold off on the crackers.
The auction closes on June 12th at 3 pm PST, and is only available to those in the 48 contiguous United States.