‘Knee & Lap Mugs’ Take the Guesswork Out of Lounging and Drinking

Ever sit down with a mug of your favorite warm beverage, only to awkwardly place it between your legs and hope you don’t forget it’s there moments later? How about that awkward pose where you put your flat-bottomed mug out on your upper thigh, and watch it teeter from side-to-side?

With the advent of the Knee and Lap Mugs, those moments should hopefully be reduced greatly. The Knee Mug features a scalloped base, fitting most knees, while the Lap Mug has a pointed base, fitting the confines of your warm lap.

Each mug is 12 ounces of glazed earthenware, and take into account the topology of your lap and knee so that it becomes a reasonable place for your you to rest your mug. Also, in case you were worried about overall utility, each mug does indeed have a flat portion that can rest comfortably on a flat surface. ($15.99 @ ThinkGeek)

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