KIT KAT Unveils Never-Ending Trick or Treat Bowl That ‘Magically’ Refills With Candy

If you’ve ever gone out trick or treating on Halloween and seen one of those ‘Please Take One’ signs, then you know what disappointment feels like. KIT KAT, however, has found a mystifying solution to this dilemma by introducing The Never-Ending KIT KAT Trick-or-Treat Bowl.

So forget ‘Please Take One’ and revel in ‘Take All You Want’ once you see this seemingly magical bowl that automatically refills with KIT KAT candy like a witch’s cauldron bubbling up.

KIT KAT first unveiled this enigmatic bowl at one of the most famous and popular Halloween towns in America – Salem, Massachusetts. If you’d like to see The Neverending KIT KAT Trick-or-Treat Bowl come to your town, let KIT KAT know on via Instagram using #KitKatBowl.

But really, they gotta stop messing around and make this available to the public already so we all can enjoy some endless KIT KAT action this Halloween.

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