Kim Kardashian Swears The Powdered White Lines In Her Snaps Are ‘Candy’

UPDATE: Kim jumped back on snapchat to address the fan allegations, and as she streamed the table in question, it appeared that she was wrong, and it was not candy lines. Unless she’s pulling some witchcraft, the white lines were actually part of the pattern on the marble table. She calmly reiterated that she is a mother, does not adhere to a crazy party lifestyle, and that drug use is not her thing.
Original: Kim Kardashian took to Snapchat to announce some new products in her children’s clothing line, but all anyone can talk about were the highly sus powdery lines in the background.
As Kim talked up the new customized kids Yeezy shoes, there seemed to be powdery white lines on a table behind her, leading people to believe she was involved in some drug activity.
Looks like Kim Kardashian loves a sesh or 2 😂 anyone else see the lines of coke on the side 😂🙈 #naughty #kimkardashian
— Stacey Bradley (@bradleystacey92) July 11, 2017
Kim with her daily ritual of doin a line right before taking a selfie
— Friend Chicken (@Reach_Hard) July 11, 2017
@KimKardashian what is that lined out on the table behind you 🙈🤣👎🏼
— Teresa Gilmour (@teresaxgill) July 11, 2017
Kim immediately addressed the issue, saying the white lines were sugar, after having a candy-filled day with her daughter North at Dylan’s Candy Bar in New York, yesterday.
Kim Kardashian West & North West at Dylan’s Candy Bar in New York City yesterday 07.10.17
— Misz Goody2Shoes (@MiszG00dy2Shoes) July 11, 2017
Her story checks out, as she really was at Dylan’s with her daughter, but people don’t seem to be buying it, as the “sugar” seems to be suspiciously lined up and spaced out the way a cut up drug would be, ready to become nose candy.
Kim Kardashian loves that sugar 😂
— Laura (@LWJW21) July 11, 2017
I mean c’mon who has sugar candy powder lined up like that
— Romeo ♓️ (@CaliforniaRomeo) July 11, 2017
Also, we’ve seen snortable chocolate in the market now, so maybe she was just trying to get a similar sugar high.
Kim didn’t remove the snap, so for the next couple of hours, the world can watch the vid themselves and form their own opinion, but in the end, it is her business what she does with her “sugar.”