You Have Kenny G to Thank for the Frappuccino

Kenneth Gorelick, more commonly known as Kenny G, recently sat down for an interview with Bloomberg’s Pimm Fox about his new album Brazilian Nights and shined some light on his relationship with Starbucks’ founder Howard Schultz.
Gorelick’s uncle convinced the world-famous saxophonist to invest in Starbucks early on and Schultz’s charm won Gorelick over. The pair ended up having a symbiotic relationship, from the holiday album Miracles being the first CD ever sold in Starbucks to Gorelick’s persistent suggestion that a blended drink should be added to the menu.
Gorelick noticed the popularity of blended espresso drinks at The Coffee Bean and badgered Schultz about diversifying the Starbucks menu constantly. The multi-platinum artist humbly acknowledged that several investors were likely on the same page, but I’ll keep thoroughly believing that anything 1990s Kenny G requested came into existence.
Watch the full interview here.