NYC’s Famous Katz’s Deli Is Launching Global Shipping For Its Beef

Regardless of where you come from, one of the most iconic stops you’ll likely flock to when visiting New York City is Katz’s Deli, long-known for its amazing corned beef, pastrami, and other fine meats.
Well, if you don’t live in the United States, there will soon be a way for y’all to enjoy what everyone at Katz’s is having. According to the Wall Street Journal, the iconic deli will be opening up a 30,000 square foot facility in New Jersey to produce and ship their beef all around the world.
While Katz’s was already in the shipping business for United States customers, this is the first global expansion the company has ever performed. They plan to begin shipping to Canada and Mexico by the end of this year, and then full-on global services the year after that.
Apart from the newly expanded delivery service, Katz’s is also looking at expanding its retail locations to more places in the United States. They’ll be opening up a new location in a Brooklyn food hall soon, and are considering Washington D.C., Phildaelphia, and Boston as other potential sites for offshoots of the original location.
This might be the most exciting thing to happen to Katz’s since Sally had that fake orgasm, and we’re definitely looking forward to seeing that world-famous pastrami heading to all corners of the world.