East Coast Delivery Service “Gifts” Free Pot On Juice Orders

juice delivery free pot

It’s impossible to quantify love. However, it seems a cold-pressed juice delivery company has found a way to add “love” to juice orders, and people are actually paying for it.

In fact, for (at least) $55, customers can receive a bottle of juice, and are “gifted” some “love” —  which is actually a code for free pot.

juice delivery free pot

For most people, a juice delivery service giving out free pot might seem like an illegal activity. But, companies like Washington D.C.-based HighSpeed Delivery, are actually operating within legal parameters.

As states like Massachusetts continue to roll out recreational pot laws, delivery services across the East Coast are capitalizing on sales, by covertly operating in a gray-area established by Initiative 71.

In 2014, Initiative 71, also known as, “Legalization of Possession of Minimal Amounts of Marijuana for Personal Use Act of 2014″ was approved by more than 60 percent of  voters. Initiative 71 went into full effect in 2015, and essentially gave citizens the right to grow, posses, and gift small amounts (up to two-ounces) of marijuana — without facing the threat of penalty.

HighSpeed Delivery operates in Washington D.C and Boston, is a self-described, “cultural hub” that sells art, music and bottles of juice. Some of the flavors include “Petworth Punch” and “Strawberry Lemonade,” which are listed on the homepage for $11.

However, customers are given the option to add, “love” or “lots of love,” at check out. With the “love” option added, prices on juice increase from $11 to between $55, and “lots of love” will increases to $150.

Although, there is no mention of cannabis or marijuana on HighSpeed’s website, it seems word of mouth has fueled “juice” sales on the East Coast.

Still, some worry that this loophole might be a creative way to skirt operational guidelines — and taxes — for those operating recreational cannabis businesses in Washington D.C. and Massachusetts.

It remains unclear if businesses like High Speed Delivery are actually breaking any laws — as there are no regulations on gifting pot, or even making infused food. Secondly, until selling juice becomes illegal, the High Speed Deliveries of the world will continue to supply their parched clientele.

One thing is certain, the East Coast is thirsty for a recreational cannabis industry, and this tasty loophole illustrates how far companies will to fill the well.

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