Jimmy Kimmel Pulled A Gun Out At Starbucks In This Hilarious Spoof

Controversy is always brewing at Starbucks, but it has nothing to do with lattes. In 2013, Howard Schultz, Starbucks’ CEO wrote an open letter declaring all Starbucks locations “gun free” — regardless of local conceal and carry laws. But Starbucks, didn’t officially ban firearms in their stores. So, Jimmy Kimmel decided to test out the letter of the law and ordered some coffee at gunpoint.
While conceal and carry gun laws are very restrictive in California — where Jimmy Kimmel Live! is based — the rest of the nation is relatively lenient when it comes to allowing residents obtain conceal and open carry gun permits, sometimes even without a permit.
Schultz’s open letter came under fire when it was discovered that the verbiage used in the letter didn’t ban weapons outright, it was just a “request.”
Strangely, this video was posted to Kimmel’s YouTube account on April 11, 2016. But, it’s unclear when it’s actually filmed.
Regardless, if the video is old or not, if you’ve ever been stuck at the back of the line in a busy Starbucks, Kimmel’s method probably wouldn’t seem like a terrible idea.