Jimmy Dean Assembles Carolers For Holiday Sausage Serenades

November is here which means Mariah Carey’s favorite season is upon us. As we prepare for two months of holiday classics and hits, you should consider adding ‘O Jimmy Dean’ to your playlist.

Jimmy Dean has assembled the Sunrise Carolers, a group of live performers who will visit hometowns across the country in festive attire to sing carols that have been adapted to pair with its iconic breakfast items.
A curated songbook has been created which features breakfast-inspired carols like ‘We Wish You A Merry Morning’ and ‘The 12 Days of Breakfast’. They even have a Spotify playlist.
If you want the Sunrise Carolers to come crooning at your doorstep –most likely at sunrise– you can enter to win a performance by heading to SunriseCarolers.com. 100 winners will be randomly selected for serenades.
No word on whether or not they will bring breakfast with them, but if you ask me, they should.