The Internet Is Already Flooded With Horrible Jared Fogle Memes

The internet can be an unforgiving place.
Jared Fogle’s house got raided Tuesday in connection with a child pornography investigation and people immediately thought the worst of him. He wasn’t arrested or charged with anything, at worst, he has only been named a suspect, but that hasn’t stopped the internet from bashing him.
The memes started pouring in.
Even our comment section on Facebook post was littered with sketchy Jared memes.
No one knows what will come of this, but people are drawing their own conclusions, whether you like it or not.
With that said, here are some of the most cringe-worthy, icky Jared Fogle memes we’ve seen so far:
Ah! Come on.
That’s so Raven.
This one I can get behind.
Chris Hansen jokes, of course.
Damn, Subway replaced him quickly.

Ronald’s still creepier.
I don’t think he wants to mess with Tyrone.
Don’t trust it.
More Chris Hansen appearances.
Bad pun.
These trucks tho.
Vern looks sketched out.
More bad puns.
Chris Hansen looks like one of Jeff Dunham’s puppets in this one.