Japan’s Oldest Silk Factory Sells Chocolate That Looks Uncomfortably Like Worms

You’re old now. You’ve grown up. You spend your time not digging up worms in the backyard, but going off and “discovering yourself” while using your trusty smartphone to document all your incredible, Insta-worthy adventures. Well, here’s another treat to add to your ever-growing foodie bucket list: a box of Japanese chocolates that look remarkably — unsettlingly — like silkworms.
Made at the Tomioka Silk Mill — which, as the oldest silk factory in Japan, is expected to be named a UNESCO World Heritage Site this summer, according to Rocket News — the silkworm chocolates are officially called “Kaiko no Okoku”, or The Silkworm Kingdom. Each box contains three to six individually wrapped white chocolate worms, each set atop delicate, mulberry-flavored chocolate leaves, and flecked with small pieces of berry and rice cracker.
Thankfully, the 142 year old factory hasn’t been used to make silk for the past 30 years, so you’re unlikely to find bits of actual worm hidden among the sweets. But if you’re into that, at least there’s always Amazon.
Picthx Rocket News