These Duck Confit Pancakes Are Topped With Jägermeister Maple Syrup


Photo by Marc Kharrat

If there’s anyone who can blow your mind with just a flick of the whisk, it’s Chef Frank DeLoach. One minute, he’s in the kitchen, relaxing after a night of partying with his chef friends while simultaneously prepping for the day ahead. By the next, DeLoach has dived head-first into the creation of his next greatest meal.

Combining a strong knowledge of spirits with a fiery passion for the delicious, he’s proven before that one can, and should, experiment with Jägermeister as a key ingredient in savory dishes (via a Currywurst Poutine). And now, to our delight, we got him back in the kitchen to do it again; this time, he incorporates Jägermeister into a tangy orange maple syrup with toasted fennel seeds, which ultimately graces a magnificent stack of duck confit pancakes.

Duck confit, cured overnight with spices, coriander seeds, orange peel and fat, then cooked and served with pancakes and that mouth-watering Jägermeister syrup? That’s Frank, all right, getting our tastebuds all hot and bothered before we can even say “quack”—thankfully, he also teaches us how to use Jägermeister in a Dark Collins Cocktail for a sweet cool down.

Duck Confit Pancakes with Jägermeister Syrup

Part I: Duck Confit

4 duck legs

16 oz duck fat

1/2c salt

1/2c sugar

1 orange, peel only

1 tsp black peppercorns

1 tsp coriander seeds

2 cloves garlic

1 large sprig thyme

1 large sprig rosemary

1) Cure the duck one day prior to cooking. Combine the legs, orange peel, salt, sugar and all spices together and mix well. Cover and let sit in the fridge overnight.

3) When ready to cook, rinse duck off and pat dry.

4) Place duck into a big dish. Cover with liquid duck fat and cook in the oven at 300F for 2-3 hours until tender and able to be pulled apart. Allow to cool in its fat for at least 2 hours before use.

Part II: Jägermeister Syrup

⅓ part toasted fennel seeds

3 full oranges, peeled & segmented (save the centers)

4 parts pure maple syrup

1 sage leaf

1 part Jägermeister

1) Begin by cooking off the alcohol in the Jägermeister. Add fennel seeds & centers to the oranges, and top with maple and add sage leaf.

2) Cook on medium heat until everything has broken down. After about 10 minutes, the sauce will have slightly reduced.

3) Strain mixer into a clean container, and press on solids to get as much flavor as possible.

Part III: Pancakes:

1 ½ c flour

3 ½ tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 tbsp sugar

1 ¼ c whole milk

1 egg

1 egg white; stiff peaks

3 tbsp melted butter

1) Mix dry ingredients well, set aside.

2) Whisk egg and milk together.

3) Whip egg white to a stiff peak. Combine the wet with the dry, then fold in egg white & melted butter. Let sit in the fridge for a half hour.

Making the dish:

1) Set your griddle on medium high heat. Take the duck confit and start getting it slightly crispy on the flat top.

2) Next to that, use the duck fat to begin cooking the pancakes. Plop about two 3-oz scoops of cake batter on the grill, and place duck inside the cakes as if you were making blueberry pancakes.

3) Flip the cakes when the sides are bubbly — about 3 minutes for each side.

4) To plate: take a cake, place it on the plate. Place a little nob of butter on top, then take the second cake and place on top.

5) Add any extra duck right on top of the cakes. Drizzle syrup over and garnish with the orange segments from earlier, and herbs like mint or fennel if desired.


Photo by Marc Kharrat

Dark Collins Cocktail

1 pt Jägermeister

½ pt gin

Amaretto cherries

¾ pt lemon juice

¾ pt simple syrup

Cherry syrup

1) Throw cherries into a shaker; smash them a bit.

2) Top with remaining ingredients, and a full shake of ice. Strain into a collins glass over ice and top with soda.

3) Garnish with amaretto cherries… and stay classy.


Photo by Marc Kharrat

DRINK RESPONSIBLY Jägermeister® Liqueur 35% Alc./Vol. Imported by Sidney Frank Importing Co., Inc. New Rochelle, NY. Intended for individuals of legal purchase age, and should not be forwarded to individuals below the legal purchase age.

Created in partnership with Jägermeister

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