Jack Links Beef Jerky Pepper in a New Look

With everything and anything getting a new look these days, why can’t beef jerky?

Jack Links Matador brand beef jerky has redesigned it’s packaging and has added a new pepper variety to it’s jerky.

Jack Links, a product of Link Snacks, Inc, redesigned the packaging after a study conducted by the company. The results showed that three-to-one of the customers surveyed preferred the new design.

Also, in the world of meat related snacks, “Peppered” is shown to be third in the most popular of flavors, according to statistics from The Nielson Co. data.

The jerky can be found in the form of sticks or bags. Avid jerky fans, if you can find a bag with the original design then hang on to it. It’ll be a collector’s item and jerky won’t go bad for a while. Everyone wins.

[THX: Candy & Snack Today]

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